8 step complete beginner's guide to karaoke singing

The 8-step complete beginner's guide to karaoke singing

It does shock us to the core but, we do know that there are some people in this world who are yet to try karaoke. Where have you been? Karaoke doesn’t discriminate against beginners or experts, young or old, amazing or bad singers. Karaoke spreads the joy to all. 

If you’re an absolute karaoke beginner, then we’re here for you. At Lucky Voice HQ it’s our role to introduce the karaoke life to anyone and everyone who is yet to enjoy the sensation of singing. To help all the karaoke newbies out there, we’ve got our complete beginner’s guide to help y’all out. 

Step 1. Make some loud funny noises at will

No, not AT your mate Will. Poor Will. But we want you to just make some loud funny random noises in your own home, or even round a mate’s house. Just be okay with whatever comes out of your mouth. Get used to being loud and noisy. Get used to being vocal!

Step 2. Pull faces and laugh at yourself in the mirror for a while

This will help you lose any embarrassment about how you look and is an important step after 1. Pull some stupid, hideous, hilarious and ugly faces at yourself and laugh.  Also, helps loosen up the ol’ facial muscles which aids the singing. 

Step 3. Shake off the nerves

The majority of people avoid karaoke because they’re nervous about singing in front of people or they’re afraid of not doing well. Or, they’re positive they’ll end up embarrassed. Shake all of this off, right now! None of this actually matters in the world of karaoke. 

Step 4. Find some ‘alone’ time for you and...the mic

Stop thinking what you’re thinking...dirty minds! We mean, simply, that you can use our home Karaoke Kit in the comfort of your own home when you're on your tod. Why? Because you can belt out or try a falsetto or take it super low. with no-one else's judgement. The vocal range is yours my friends, do with it what you want.  Oh, and it also means you’ll get used to how you sound, how to sing along to the words on the screen and how the kit works. 

Step 5. Accept that no-one cares if you can’t sing

So you discover you’re tone deaf. Accept it. Accept and embrace it.  You’ve not taken up being a popstar for a living so really, it doesn’t matter if you can sing or not.  What matters is that you just don’t give a damn and sing loudly anyway. 

Step 6. Try a load of different genre songs

Karaoke is FUN!  Why? Because you can try all kinds of different songs and see how you feel or sound singing them! Ever thought you might have a secret falsetto like Mariahs? Give it a go! Or maybe you just like Sinatra’s gems and enjoy singing along...go for it. The beauty of karaoke is that you can give it all a go and see what you really love. 

Step 7. Find your signature tune and master the crap out of it

Say what now? You’re a dead ringer for Jennifer Paige’s Crush? Who’d have thought it. Once you’ve discovered THE tune that makes you love singing, give it the attention and time it deserves. Stick it on repeat and add your own rifts because, you’re a karaoke master already. Yes, you are.

Step 8. Go forth into the world and sing karaoke

Now you’re ready to show off your karaoke skills and embrace the mic wherever you find it.  Whether you’re at a karaoke bar or just round a mate’s house for the weekend...do not shy away from the singing session. Step up to the coffee table (not on it, in case it snaps) and say yes world, I am a master of karaoke. Hear me sing. 

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