5 bad things about January - and how we can help

Well we’re two weeks in to 2015 and the New Year hype is starting to wear off - and now we’re just left with plain old January. Yay. It’s cold and rainy, our wallets are looking skinny thanks to December and this whole 'Dry January' thing is pretty dull. So what can we do to keep the January blues at bay? Altogether now...1,2,3, KARAOKE!

We’re certain that swapping the January blues for January tunes is the best way to start the year on a high note. So here are a few ideas from us on how to deal with the some of the worst things about January...

  1. Going back to work

Even if you love your job, we all get stuck with the “Get anything nice?” and “Do anything for New Year?” conversations, which only serve to highlight the fact that the party season's over and we’re back at our desks. Well how about you don’t bother with the old classics, and suggest starting the day with a bit of karaoke instead? Expect an awkward silence, but it’s surprisingly good. We do it at Lucky Voice HQ every Monday morning, without fail...

Karaoke at work

2. Exercise

New trainers, sweat bands, a nasty-tasting protein shake, a gym membership and an exercise plan - you've got the lot. Well we’re two weeks in, so how’s it going? Novelty wearing off? It may be great for us, but exercise can be pretty boring. If only there was a little something extra you could add to it? Excuse the cheesy video, but here's an idea...  

3. Being Skint

Even if you’re rolling in it - we’re all slightly worse off in January. If only we hadn't been so ridiculously generous last month eh? Well we can help you out even if your bank card is quivering in your back pocket. We have some great offers at our bars and if you hurry, you can catch the tail end of our January Sale and enjoy 50% off room hire. If you don’t fancy heading out, you can keep your slippers on and sing with our online service from the comfort of your own living room - start a free trial here!

4. It's Freezing

As expected, it’s chilly out there, and there’s no sign of the mornings or evenings getting any lighter, which can make us all feel pretty sluggish. Hearing, “God it’s freezing out there” a hundred times a day just gets annoying, so how about dropping the complaints and singing to wake up, warm up and cheer up! Cue weather related playlist....

5. December wore you out

Sorry mate, I’m going to have a quiet one this weekend” - sound familiar? Probably one of the most used phrases of January. Well, we’re not having it. December’s always full on, but there’s no excuse why you can't have a fun-filled January to follow. ‘Doing nothing’ is just no good, and you’ll only catch the January blues, so whether you’re staying in or heading out, we've got you covered. Singing is great for your health, your spirit and and your mind. Hey, these guys said it, we just agree!

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