6 commonly misheard lyrics

Getting picked up on singing the wrong lyrics can be surprisingly embarrassing. We’ve all been there - your favourite song comes on, you stand up to sing-along, belt out the first verse and realise your friends are laughing at you because you’re singing completely different lyrics to those in the song. This all stems from the artists themselves not pronouncing their words making them sound like they’re singing about something completely different. Here are just a few examples of what we mean, close your eyes and listen…

1. Taylor Swift 

Love Story 

Misheard lyric - ‘Romeo, save me, Good Charlotte tell me how to feel.’ When in fact the real lyric is - ‘Romeo, save me, they’re trying to tell me how to feel.’ Give it a listen!

2. Cheryl Cole


Misheard lyric - ‘I don’t need a pair of shoes.’ She’s actually meant to be singing -  ‘I don’t need a parachute.'

3. Avril Lavigne 


Misheard lyric - ‘And honestly you promised me, I’m never gonna find your bacon.’ Fortunately Avril isn’t going to be looking for bacon for time being, as she’s singing ‘And honestly, you’ll promise me, I’m never gonna find you fake it.'

4. Bon Jovi 

Livin’ on a Prayer 

Misheard lyric - ‘It doesn’t make a difference if we’re naked or not.’ Women all over the world got pretty excited hearing how Jon was so liberal on being naked. To their disappointment, he’s actually singing ‘It doesn’t make a difference if we make it or not.’

5. Ed Sheeran 

Thinking out loud 

Misheard lyric - ‘Take me into your lemon arms.’ No… Ed, that just sounds really weird. The actual lyric is ‘Take me into your loving arms.'

6. Leona Lewis 

Bleeding love 

Misheard lyric - ‘You call me your banana, keep bleeding, keep bleeding’ The fruit theme continues, but what Leona actually sings is ‘You cut me open and I, keep bleeding, keep bleeding.’

The moral of the story is to sing with us, Lucky Voice - with lyrics on the screen you won’t have a problem! Let us know if you think we’ve missed any big ones!

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