Top 10 underrated karaoke songs

When people think of karaoke, there are always those iconic songs that pop into your head immediately. Usually it's "I Will Always Love You" or "I Will Survive" being crucified at public events where everyone is perhaps a bit sloshed. Either that or it's a Disney marathon for the die hard fans that goes on for, literally, hours. Whilst we do love Jungle Book and Frozen on repeat, we say nay to these karaoke stereotypes!

There are in fact thousands of absolute hidden gems which make amazing karaoke tunes. We should know, we've got over 8,000 of them on Lucky Voice Online Karaoke. There is always that one song you listen to out of the blue and think...omg that was such a tuunnneee!!! Well, prepare to have that over and over with our handpicked top 10 underrated karaoke songs list. Or, sing along to all of them via our Underrated Karaoke Songs playlist. 

1. I am, I Feel - Alisha's Attic

2. Foundations - Kate Nash

3. What's Up! - 4 Non Blondes

4. Modern Love - David Bowie

5. How Bizarre - OMC

6. Shine - Aswad

7. She's Electric - Oasis

8. The Sign - Ace of Base

9. Walking in Memphis - Cher

10. Over My Shoulder - Mike and the Mechanics 

And here's our cheeky bonus track that will always feel amazing being belted out by anyone and everyone:

11. It's All Coming Back To Me Now - Celine Dion

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